Higher Self Meditation

*This class includes a Guided Meditation to meet your Higher Self, a Sound Journey, a Reiki Healing and a Personal Oracle Card Reading.

DATE: Thursday, June 6 from 7:00 – 8:00 pm
SEATING: Meditation Beds
COST: $45
INSTRUCTED BY: Tara Noelle Poey
ADDRESS: 5350 Kemps River Dr, Suite 120 Va. Beach, VA 23464


Your Higher Self is the best possible version of you! It is who you intended to become when you incarnated on Earth. Your Higher Self knows what is right for you and what will make your soul feel happy and fulfilled.

When you arrive for this class, you will lie down in a luxurious meditation bed. You will be provided with a warm neck wrap, an eye mask and a Selenite crystal wand to hold. Class will begin with a soothing Sound Journey that will include 7 Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls that are designed to open and clear your chakras. You will then embark on a journey to meet your Higher Self during a 30 minute Guided Meditation. You will have the opportunity to ask your Higher Self questions and receive Divine guidance. You will also have the chance to merge / align with your Higher Self (if you are ready) or assess what type of soul evolution you still need before that merge is possible.

An added bonus of this class is a Distance Reiki Healing and a Personal Oracle Card Reading which will include a message from your Higher Self.

Classes at Miracles Wellness Center usually sell out in advance, so be sure to register early to reserve your spot. Please use the PayPal form below to purchase your ticket. The cost is $45.

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