Hello! My name is Tara Noelle Poey and I am the owner of Miracles Wellness Center. I have created this Guide to Spirit Animals as a Free Resource for you. While there are many possible interpretations for each animal, this list reflects my own personal beliefs about the most important aspects of each animal’s symbolism. I have asked God to guide the “right” people to this resource I’ve created, which means the interpretations I am sharing are likely the ones that are meant for YOU to see. I do still want to encourage you, however, to use your own intuition to seek further understanding if an interpretation does not resonate.
God created everything in our Universe with intention. Each animal created by God has different characteristics and behaviors. God will reveal certain animals to us in meditations, dreams or in our daily life, as a way of communicating the messages we need to receive. To understand a Spirit Animal’s message, you can tune into the energy of that animal and its symbolism (patience, fearlessness, playfulness, etc). Think about how and why those specific characteristics need to be applied to yourself and your life at this time. Once you understand the message being conveyed by the Spirit Animal, take appropriate action in alignment with the message you received.
Spirit Animals are one of the many amazing ways that God speaks to us and gives us guidance. I hope this resource I have created for you is a helpful tool on your spiritual journey!

AARDVARK – These animals prefer spending time alone in solitude. They are independent and self-sufficient. If the aardvark appears in your life, it is a sign that you need to go within and focus on taking care of yourself and your own needs.
ALLIGATOR / CROCODILE – These animals stand their ground and don’t give in. Ask yourself if you need to be MORE or LESS like these creatures because they can come to you as an inspiration to own your power OR as a warning that you’re being overly aggressive and too stubborn.
ALPACA – Those big, endearing eyes can make you fall in love with an alpaca in a moment. The alpaca inspires you to let down your walls and open your heart.
ANEMONE – The Sea Anemone waits patiently and then strikes when the time is right to catch its prey. This creature comes to tell you to simply be in the present moment and trust in divine timing. When you do this, what is meant for you will come to you.
ANT – These insects work together as a TEAM to get things done. The ant will be brought into your awareness when you need to focus on working with others to accomplish a goal. Ants also represent self-discipline, progress, perseverance and diligence.
ANTELOPE – The antelope has an amazing ability to detect danger and move swiftly to avoid it. As a Spirit Animal, the antelope comes to tell you to look closely and carefully at whatever is taking place in your life at this time. You may need to make a quick decision or change your plans in order to avoid something that is not in your best interest.
ANTEATER – The anteater has extremely bad eyesight. They must rely on their other senses in order to stay safe and thrive. The anteater comes with a message to look beyond what you can see with your physical eyes. Trust your other senses (including your intuitive ones) to see the full truth about something or someone.
APES (Gorilla, Chimpanze, Orangutan) – These animals maintain loyalty and close connection with their families. As a Spirit Animal, the ape asks for you to remember the importance of your own family and be sure you are doing what you need to do to make them feel safe and cared for.
ARCTIC FOX – The arctic fox is shy and tends to hide away from the world. It curls up in a ball to protect itself from the cold. When this animal comes into your awareness, it is usually because you have been hiding or holding back who you truly are, in an attempt to protect yourself from the “cold world.” It is time to let down your guard, release your fears, and allow yourself to be seen.
ARMADILLO – The armadillo carries a coat of armor around with him all the time. He is safe and protected. This creature appears when you need to know that YOU are safe and protected. Do not spend your life worrying about “what ifs” or worse case scenarios. Instead, know in your heart that God and your Guardian Angels are watching over you and shielding you from harm.
BADGER – Badgers are brave, fierce and completely fearless. They can handle whatever life throws at them. As a Spirit Animal, the badger reminds you that YOU are meant to be brave, fierce and fearless also! Recognize that you are capable of overcoming any challenge that you face.
BAT – Contrary to the popular belief that bats are blind, they actually have unique visual abilities that allow them to see in pitch black conditions. They can navigate and hunt with precision in the dark of night. The bat encourages you to look for the lessons during challenging times. Try to gain a clear and positive perspective so that you can overcome any darkness within you.
BEAR (Brown, Black and Grizzly) – Bears are protective, motherly and nurturing. The bear comes with a message to care for those you love and be their sense of comfort. Bears are also a reminder of having BALANCE in life. They are excellent providers and protectors, and will do whatever they need to do in order to take care of their family … BUT they will also make time to play, be silly and have fun! And finally, these animals know when it is time to REST! They know when conserving their energy is essential to their well-being, and they will take a nice long nap (AKA hibernation) to recharge. As you can see, bears certainly know how to balance their lives in a way that helps them thrive.
BEAVER – These animals are extremely efficient workers! They build dams with precision and achieve perfection. The beaver reminds you to pay attention to details and have an efficient plan in place for your work. You will accomplish greatness when you learn to work smarter, not harder.
BEE (Honey Bee & Bumble Bee) – The bee inspires you to do your part for the greater good. You may feel like you are just one person and can’t make a big difference, but the bee symbolizes how each person’s contribution matters and can make an impact on the world. The bee also shows up to reassure you that all of your hard work will pay off.
BEETLE – Beetles have a really close connection with Mother Earth. They are important to keeping the ecosystem balanced. The beetle can come to you as a prompt to be more aware of your connection to Earth. Think of some things you can do that will not only help the Earth, but will also be good for YOU (such as planting a garden or picking up trash while hiking).
BIRD – Birds embrace and express the gift of their voice…and they share their voice with the world! Birds also represent freedom, expansion and looking at things from a higher perspective. There is a list feauturing some specific types of birds at the bottom of this Spirit Animal Guide.
BISON / BUFFALO – This creature asks you to connect deeply with nature and Mother Earth. Doing so will make you feel a renewed sense of peace and happiness.
BOAR (Wild Hog) – These creatures basically do what they want, when they want. They live very carefree lives. The wild hog encourages you to adapt a worry-free philosophy and live life on your own terms.
BOBCAT – The bobcat is a skilled hunter who sits in silence and observes its surroundings, so that it can see exactly when and where to strike. It understands the power of stillness. This animal comes to tell you to be still so that you can hear the whispers of Spirit, and then devise the perfect plan of action for your life.
BUNNY – The bunny is a symbol of innocence. This Spirit Animal asks you to connect with and nurture your inner child. Soften your heart, purify your spirit and find joy in the little things. The bunny is also a symbol of fertility and new beginnings.
BUTTERFLY – The butterfly is the ultimate symbol of transformation. It symbolizes the beauty that can emerge within you after going through a period of darkness, growth and change.
BULL – The bull sees what it wants and goes after it, full force. Allow the bull to inspire you to charge ahead toward your goals and dreams.
CAT (Domestic Type) – Cats are confident, independent and able to sense things that other creatures can’t. This Spirit Animal asks for you to have confidence in yourself and your unique, intuitive abilities.
CATERPILLAR – The caterpillar represents growth and preparation for transformation. Believe in your heart that the best is yet to come, and focus on your spiritual evolution. Take small, but meaningful, steps toward a new and better life.
CAMEL – The camel knows how to make the most of what it has. It encourages you to be resourceful and work with what you’ve already got. Understand that you have everything you need at this very moment.
CENTIPEDE – The centipede has A LOT of legs, which gives it an amplified connection to the Earth. This creature prompts you to ground yourself and focus on your root chakra. Specifically, address any anxiety or fear you are currently experiencing and get to the root of its origin. Once you understand the source of your fear, you can choose to work through it and release it. When you strengthen your root chakra by releasing fear, you will feel more secure and balanced.
CHAMELEON – The chameleon is known for its ability to change colors to match its surroundings. It symbolizes change and adaptability. If you have seen a chameleon, you are being asked to go with the flow if changes are occurring in your life. Figure out how to make any changes that are occurring work for you. The chameleon also encourages you to explore all of your unique talents and creative gifts.
CHEETAH – The cheetah is the world’s fastest land animal. When it comes into your awareness, you are being prompted to move swiftly! You are being given a green light by the Universe to take immediate action and make rapid progress.
CHIPMUNK – The chipmunk reminds us to not take life too seriously. Laugh, play and be silly! Look at life as a fun adventure and explore everything it has to offer.
CHRYSALIS – If you see a chrysalis, you are being given a very important sign that a huge life change is on the horizon. You are in the middle of a deep transformation and spiritual awakening. Soon, you will become everything you are meant to be.
COCKROACH – Even though you may not WANT to see a cockroach, the truth is that this insect can bring you a very positive message. The cockroach has the ability to overcome, survive and thrive. They encourage you to be adaptable and resilient. Just like a roach, YOU can get through whatever challenges you may face.
CORAL – A coral or coral reef symbolizes healing, miracles and the essence of life. You may see coral when you are being called to be a healer. Coral is also a symbol of beauty and can make you feel inspired to create art.
COUGAR – The cougar urges you to own your power. Be confident. Be strong. Take the lead. The cougar also reassures you that you can trust your gut instincts.
COW – The cow is a creature who is considered holy and sacred in some cultures, but treated terribly and butchered in others. The cow reminds you to be sure you are being treated the way you should be. Are you being seen for who you truly are? Do you feel cherished and valued?
COYOTE – These animals are mysterious and may make you feel intrigued, nervous or afraid. The coyote asks for you to explore the feelings that arise when you see him. Dive deep into the reasons you feel this way. For example, if you felt afraid when you saw the coyote, ask yourself what you are REALLY afraid of (past, present or future). If you felt intrigued, ask yourself what you want to know or learn more about at this time in your life.
CRAB – The crab is an animal who uses a hard shell for protection. This is symbolic of how people build up emotional walls to protect themselves. If the crab has come to you as a Spirit Animal, you are probably being too guarded and defensive. You need to allow yourself to be more open and expressive with your emotions. Soften your heart and let others in.
CRICKET – The peaceful sound of crickets on a summer’s evening can bring a feeling of warmth and comfort to your soul. The cricket Spirit Animal inspires you to stay in touch with the things that bring you joy. Let the cricket guide you to true inner peace and happiness.
DEER – The deer is a gentle creature that encourages you to tune into your heart. Show compassion and kindness to yourself and others. If you saw a small deer, you are also being asked to connect with and nurture your inner child.
DINOSAUR – When a dinosaur appears to you in a dream or meditation, it may be an indication that something from your past is still weighing you down or holding you back. Make the choice to release old wounds and programming.
DOG – The dog is a symbol of love and loyalty. These animals will be life-long faithful companions. They will always be there for you, even on your bad days. The dog Spirit Animal reminds you to love unconditionally and be the kind of person that others can count on.
DOLPHIN – Dophins are playful and social creatures. They love to have fun! If you have seen a dolphin, it is a reminder to tune into your inner child and do things make you feel like a kid again.
DONKEY – Donkeys have been considered a service animal for centuries, used for their ability to carry cargo or people on their backs. As a Spirit Animal, the donkey asks you to do some self-reflection and make sure that you are not being used by others. Are you carrying more than your fair share of the load in a job or relationship? Also, take into consideration if your current responsibilities are an accurate reflection of your top priorities, and the things that truly matter to you?
DRAGON – If you see a dragon in a dream or meditation, you are being asked to own your personal power. You are stronger and mightier that you know.
DRAGONFLY – The dragonfly is a messenger from Heaven. It comes to make us feel a connection with our loved ones in Spirit and our Guardian Angels. When you see a dragonfly, pause to focus on that Heavenly connection. The dragonfly inspires you to seek enlightenment and pursue spiritual / intuitive development.
EEL – The eel is a mysterious creature that usually hides away in the dark. Certain types of eels possess the unique ability to produce electricity. When you see an eel, you are asked to do some deep self-reflection. What mysterious and unique gifts and characteristics are you hiding from yourself and / or the world? Perhaps it’s time to come out of the dark, and embrace the things about yourself that make you different and special.
ELEPHANT – Elephants are strong and stable animals. They inspire you to strengthen your root chakra. What can you do to make yourself feel more grounded and secure? Consider practical, organized action steps that would be in your best interest at this time, especially in regards to your career and finances.
FISH – Many types of fish bring the message to explore your emotions and look within. Be gentle with yourself as you process any feelings that are coming to the surface. There is a list featuring specific types of fish at the bottom of this Spirit Animal Guide.
FERRET – These inquisitive creatures ask you to tap into your curious nature. What do you want to learn more about? Take some time to explore whatever has peaked your interest recently.
FIREFLY – The firefly has the unique ability to produce its own light. This Spirit Animal inspires you to find the light within YOU and let it shine bright! What makes you special? Share that gift with the world!
FLY – Flies can be really annoying, right? You try to brush it away, but it keeps coming back…buzzing in your ear. The fly Spirit Animal asks you to get to the root of what is really bothering you about a person or a situation. Until you get very honest about the REAL reason for your agitation, those feelings of annoyance will keep coming back and triggering you.
FOX – The fox is alert, agile and quick. This animal can appear when you need to take fast action or make a quick decision with clarity. The fox also asks for you to see beyond illusion and recognize if a situation or person is not what it seems to be.
FROG – The frog spirit animal represents change. The frog can appear when it is time to enter a new phase of your life or experience a rebirth. Ask yourself what changes need to be made, within yourself or your life, in order for you to grow and transform into a better version of yourself.
GAZELLE – The gazelle has many predators. As it runs from its enemies, it effortlessly leaps and glides over rough terrain. The gazelle Spirit Animal is a reminder to maintain grace under pressure.
GERBIL – Gerbils are social creatures and need a friend around in order to be happy and thrive. If the gerbil Spirit Animal has appeared to you, then you need to recognize the importance of companionship in your life. Spending time with people you care about will uplift you and contribute to your overall well-being. The gerbil also inspires you to open yourself up to give and receive physical affection.
GLOW WORM – Just like a firefly, the glow worm has the unique ability to produce its own light. This Spirit Animal inspires you to find the light within YOU and let it shine bright! What makes you special? Share that gift with the world!
GRASSHOPPER – Did you know that a grasshopper can only hop forward? It cannot hop sideways or backward. This creature encourages you to keep moving forward in life, looking ahead to new possibilities. Don’t let your past hold you back.
GUINEA PIG – Much like gerbils, guinea pigs are social creatures and need a friend around in order to be happy and thrive. If the guinea pig Spirit Animal has appeared to you, then you need to recognize the importance of companionship in your life. Spending time with people you care about will uplift you and contribute to your overall well-being. The guinea pig also inspires you to open yourself up to give and receive physical affection.
GIRAFFE – The giraffe stands tall and gets a clear look at its surroundings from high above the ground. The giraffe reminds you to look at your life from a higher perspective. Get a vision of what could be and let yourself believe all things are possible.
GOAT – The goat symbolizes determination and making steady progress toward your goals. When you see a goat, do a self-check to make sure you are holding yourself accountable. Are you taking consistent action steps each day towards the goal you are hoping to reach?
GOPHER – The gopher is an independent and self-sufficient animal who appears as an incentive for you to do what you need to do to take care of your own needs. Don’t rely on anyone else to make the proper preparations for the life you want to lead. YOU can do it all!
GROUNDHOG – The groundhog is associated with the prediction of changing seasons. As a Spirit Animal, the groundhog asks you to think about your life, and make a decision about the direction you want to take. Let the groundhog inspire you to get clarity about any changes that you want to happen.
HIPPOPOTAMUS – The hippo is strong and stable. Let this Spirit Animal reassure you that you have all the strength you need within you to overcome challenges and build a stable, secure life for yourself and your family.
HYENA – Hyenas have highly organized and sophisticated social groups. They know how to work together to get things done, and they form long lasting friendships. The hyena spirit animal asks you to think about your social circle. Is everyone in your “pack” supportive of one other? Are you working effectively together? It is very important that you surround yourself with the right type of people who will always have your back.
HERMIT CRAB – The hermit crab must sometimes find a new shell because it has outgrown its old one. Other times, it will choose a new shell simply because it discovers one that it likes better. The hermit crab encourages you to make changes if and when you need to, based on your heart’s desires.
HONEY BADGER – This animal is famous for being fierce and fearless. They are not the least bit afraid to go after what they want. Allow the honey badger spirit animal to fuel your passions and give you the courage to fight for your dreams.
HORSE – The horse symbolizes action, forward movement and freedom. When a horse comes to you as a Spirit Animal, it gives you the motivation to take decisive and immediate action in the direction of your dreams. You are ready!
HUMMINGBIRD – The hummingbird reminds you to cherish the moment. Find joy in the littlest things and immerse yourself in a feeling of gratitude.
HAMSTER – The hamster will run on a wheel for hours. It may feel like it’s doing something, but in actuality, it isn’t getting anywhere! This metaphor can be applied to your life when a hamster appears to you as a Spirit Animal. In what ways are you spinning your wheels or feeling stuck in life? It’s time to get off the wheel and actually move forward.
HEDGEHOG – The hedgehog has an interesting defense mechanism. It rolls up into a ball. The hedgehog comes to you as a Spirit Animal to show you that you have adapted a similar defense mechanism. You may have been hurt in the past and taught yourself that shutting down and retreating is the best method to cope with your pain. However, this defense mechanism will not serve you as well as it does the hedgehog! Internalizing negative feelings actually causes blockages in your chakras which can lead to emotional and physical problems. It’s important that you recognize this unhealthy coping mechanism and work to change it. You need to let yourself open up and be vulnerable in order to work through challenges and experience life to the fullest.
JAGUAR – The jaguar comes to empower you and charge up your solar plexus chakra. This animal wants you to find your true, authentic self. If you’ve seen the jaguar Spirit Animal, you will know it is time to awaken to your full potential.
JELLYFISH – Jellyfish DO have the ability to guide themselves through self-propulsion when necessary, but for the most part, they choose to ride the waves and go where the current takes them. They go with the flow and do not fight the tide. So, if a jellyfish has come into your awareness, the Universe is asking you to trust where it is guiding you at this time. Surrender control to a Higher Power and TRUST that YOU will end up exactly where you are meant to be.
KANGAROO – When the kangaroo Spirit Animal shows up, it is time to take a giant leap of faith! Divine timing is on your sign, so go ahead and go for it!
KILLER WHALE (ORCA) – This creature is extremely intelligent and powerful. It inspires awe in those who see it. The killer whale Spirit Animal asks you to recognize how intelligent and powerful YOU are. You have the ability to inspire and uplift others, so be sure you let your light shine.
KOALA – The koala who will wrap its arms around something and not let go. This animal inspires you to show love and affection to the people you care about. Be gentle and kind. Let others know how much you cherish and adore them.
LADYBUG – The ladybug is a symbol of happiness and good fortune. It can be an indication that your prayers are being answered and your dreams are coming true! Ladybugs also appear when your Spirit Guides want you to notice, trust and follow the signs that they are trying to give you.
LAMB – This sweet little animal is associated with innocence and vulnerability. A lamb is trusting and will follow where it is led. When a lamb appears, it means that you need to determine if the path you are following is the one you want to be on …. or if were you persuaded by someone else to follow a certain path that does not feel right for you. Tune into your heart and pray about this question in order to receive an honest and authentic answer.
LEMUR – Lemurs are truly unique creatures that have developed characteristics that allow them to survive in the most challenging climates on Earth. They can thrive in a place where other animals cannot. The lemur asks you to recognize the special traits you have developed because of difficult life experiences you have gone through. Be proud of who you have become as a result of the “bad and hard” things you have endured.
LION – The King of the jungle demands that you confidently step into a role of leadership. The lion’s roar is LOUD, so let YOUR voice be heard.
LIZARD – The lizard is well known for its ability to lose its tail and then grow another one. This creature represents regeneration. Is there an area of your life in need of new growth? Have you lost a part of you because of a painful experience? The lizard can help guide you toward healing your wounds and coming out better than ever before.
LOBSTER – The lobster moves slowly, carrying the weight of a heavy shell. When this animal comes into your awareness, it is a sign that you are carrying heavy energy and burdens that need to be released. Work on detoxing yourself, emotionally and physically, so that you will feel lighter and have more clarity of thought.
LEOPARD – The leopard is fearless, and has extraordinary senses that it uses to hunt and navigate in the dark. When a leopard comes into your awareness, you are being asked to trust your instincts and intuitive abilities. Use these gifts to navigate through life fearlessly. You will know what is right for you because you will be able to feel it in your gut.
LLAMA – The llama can carry heavy loads of cargo up a very tall mountain. This animal symbolizes hard work and perseverance. Even when you feel like giving up, let the llama inspire you to keep pushing on.
MOOSE / ELK – The moose stands tall and deserves respect. This Spirit Animal asks you to be proud of yourself for the way you walk through life with dignity and honor.
MOUSE – The mouse wants you to realize that you are mightier than you know. You may see this Spirit Animal when you’re questioning your worth or feeling insignificant. Do not underestimate yourself or assume that you can’t make a big difference in the world. The truth is that you can do anything you put your mind to!
MULE –Mules / Donkeys have been considered service animals for centuries, used for their ability to carry cargo or people on their backs. As a Spirit Animal, the mule asks you to do some self-reflection and make sure that you are not being used by others. Are you carrying more than your fair share of the load in a job or relationship? Also, take into consideration if your current responsibilities are an accurate reflection of your top priorities, and the things that truly matter to you?
MANATEE – The manatee teaches you the importance of being calm and peaceful. This creature floats around slowly, with no worries or fears. You can learn to be more like the manatee by practicing meditation, deep breathing and staying centered in the present moment. These activities will help you learn to release anxiety and live a more relaxed lifestyle.
MILLIPEDE – Similar to the centipede, a millipede has A LOT of legs, which gives it an amplified connection to the Earth. This creature prompts you to ground yourself and focus on your root chakra. Specifically, address any anxiety or fear you are currently experiencing and get to the root of its origin. Once you understand the source of your fear, you can choose to work through it and release it. When you strengthen your root chakra by releasing fear, you will feel more secure and balanced.
MOLE – The mole lives by itself underground, away from all the hustle and bustle taking place on land above it. When this animal comes into your awareness, it can be a sign that you need to take a break and spend some time in solitude to recharge your batteries.
MONKEY – Monkeys can be observed swinging from trees and playing with their friends and family. They are carefree animals who genuinely want to have fun! Let the monkey Spirit Animal put you in touch with your inner child. Make time to laugh, be silly and play!
MOTH – The moth is a beautiful symbol of transformation, much like the butterfly. When a moth comes to you as a Spirit Animal, prepare yourself for a big life change. This life change will typically start within yourself, and then ripple out to create changes in your circumstances (jobs, relationships, etc).
OYSTER – Inside of the hard shell of an oyster, you can find a beautiful pearl. This creature symbolizes the gifts and blessings that are waiting for you when learn to turn within. Look inside of yourself for the answers you seek. The oyster also reminds us to not judge a book by its cover. Something truly special can be found inside of each and every one of us.
OCTOPUS – The octopus is one of the most intelligent and capable creatures on Earth. When this creature comes into your awareness, you are being asked to look deep within yourself to discover your true potential. With eight arms, the octopus symbolizes the ability to handle a tremendous amount of responsibility. It also represents multi-tasking and balancing all areas of your life with perfection. If you have been doubting yourself, the octopus comes to reassure you that you are a gifted, talented and smart person who is meant to do great things.
OTTER – This adorable and playful animal shows up to remind you to enjoy life! Sure, there is a time and place for work, but when the otter comes into your awareness, you need to recognize that NOW is the time to play! Consider scheduling a fun getaway for yourself as soon as possible.
PANDA BEAR – The panda is a symbol of peace, inner strength and balance. This animal asks you to be sure you are properly balancing all of your priorities. Are you making time for family, work, play, personal care and spiritual connection? ALL of these things are important aspects of a happy and healthy life. Let the panda Spirit Animal inspire you to achieve balance in your inner and outer world.
PANTHER (BLACK PANTHER) – This strong and mighty creature shows up to let you know that you are safe and protected. You have an incredible team of guardian angels who’ve got your back. Integrate this knowing into your daily life, so that you can conquer any anxiety or fear that tries to creep in. Remind yourself, as often as possible, that you are safe and protected.
PIG – The pig can show up when you feel misunderstood or unappreciated. This animal is often associated with being dirty, lazy or useless, but pigs are actually very intelligent creatures who know how to use their energy wisely. Some people think it’s disgusting that a pig rolls around in the mud, but the pig knows that the mud is good for its skin and helps keep it cool and protected. Pigs remind you to do what is best for you based on your own instincts, instead of what the world dictates as “acceptable.” Let the pig inspire you to know your own worth, love yourself, do your own thing and not worry about other people’s opinions.
PLATYPUS – This animal looks like a strange blend of a bunch of other animals… Does it not? But that’s what makes it interesting! The platypus reminds you to be uniquely yourself by combining all the different aspects of yourself into one glorious package! Don’t try to hide any parts of yourself. Each personality trait, talent, interest and quirk makes you who you are. You are special. Own that!
POISON DART FROG – When a poison dart frog comes into your awareness as a Spirit Animal, you are being asked to explore any toxic energy that you are carrying inside of yourself. An emotional and physical detox would be very helpful for you at this time. Engage in chakra clearing and aura cleansing activities. Also, consider a juicing fast to recharge and rebalance your body.
POLAR BEAR – Unlike other types of bears, the polar bear survives harsh and cold conditions without hibernating. When this type of bear comes into your awareness, you are being sent a burst of energy from spirit to equip you with the motivation and endurance you need to complete a task or a goal.
PORCUPINE – The porcupine is a shy creature that hides and protects itself with sharp quills. This Spirit Animal makes you aware that you are closing yourself off and not experiencing all that life could offer, if you’d just let down your guard and put yourself out there. Step out of your comfort zone, and engage more with life.
PONY – Ponies bring a message that you are almost ready to take BIG action in the direction of your dreams. Seeing this smaller version of a horse is significant because it lets you know that you still need to do a bit of preparation and personal growth before galloping forward. Figure out what needs to be done to prepare, and follow through. Then you will be properly equipped to run fast and free toward your goals.
POSSUM – When a possum is afraid, its body shuts down. It goes into a catatonic state and is unable to move. It’s a common misconception that a possum “plays dead” on purpose to trick its enemies, but the truth is that its crippling response to fear is involuntary. When a possum has crossed your path or come into your awareness, it is a sing that you are letting fear paralyze you and stop you from truly living. You may have been doing this unknowingly, but the possum is here to shine a light on the truth. It’s time to develop a new way of handling worry and anxiety. Instead of shutting down as an attempt to avoid danger, you need to try to face your fears so that you can move through them.
PRAIRIE DOG – This animal gives a very clear message that you need to spend some quality time with your friends or family. Prairie dogs form tight-knit groups that communicate effectively with one another. Let this Spirit Animal inspire you to bond with those you care about in a very meaningful way.
PRAYING MANTIS – Let’s start by acknowledging the fact that a female praying mantis will bite off a male partner’s head while mating! This remarkable symbolism just can’t be ignored when interpreting the meaning of the mantis. Perhaps your romantic relationship is in need of a deeper connection?! An alternate message from the praying mantis Spirit Animal is that you are being overly aggressive, inconsiderate or selfish. You may need to take an honest look at your current behavior and make modifications that will support healthier relationships with others.
PUMA – Also known as a cougar, panther or mountain lion, the puma urges you to own your power. Be confident. Be strong. Take the lead. The cougar also reassures you that you can trust your gut instincts.
RABBIT – The bunny rabbit is a symbol of innocence. This Spirit Animal asks you to connect with and nurture your inner child. Soften your heart, purify your spirit and find joy in the little things. The bunny is also a symbol of fertility and new beginnings.
RACCOON – The raccoon looks as though it is wearing a mask. This Spirit Animal asks you to identify the parts of yourself that you are hiding from the world. Are you not being completely authentic? Do you have certain feelings or beliefs that you are afraid to express? Are there talents or gifts you possess that you are unwilling to explore or share?
RAT – The rat is an extremely intelligent and ingenious creature. When a rat has come into your awareness, you need to tap into your creative problem-solving abilities. Think outside of the box, and come up with a solution to something that is troubling you.
RED PANDA – The red panda is a reminder that you will accomplish more with a kind and gentle disposition. Approaching a person or a situation at this time with aggression or force will only backfire.
REINDEER – Reindeer are a reminder of the magic of Christmas. When the reindeer Spirit Animal appears to you, it is time to dismiss your cynical thoughts and let yourself believe in miracles.
RHINOCEROS – The distinguishing characteristic of a rhino is its horn. This horn is a truly special and unique feature that a rhino uses for many purposes. This Spirit Animals comes to help you identify your greatest strength. Spend some time reflecting on how you’ve gotten through challenging life circumstances in the past. This will help you understand where your strength comes from, and how you can use it in the future to help yourself and others.
SAND DOLLAR – This fascinating sea creature resembles a silver dollar coin, and can be shown to you as a reassuring message of incoming abundance. Trust in the direction you are being guided for your career. When you are in alignment with your soul’s purpose, you will be supported financially.
SCORPION – The scorpion represents the darkness within you. Toxic energy has the potential to consume you, so it is VERY important to be vigilant about processing and releasing any negative thoughts or feelings that arise. The scorpion warns you not to push down or try to hide the dark side of yourself. Instead, you should embrace it as an opportunity to learn and grow. The best use of the scorpion energy is to TRANSFORM darkness into light.
SEA LION / SEAL – These animals spend half of their time in the water and half of their time on land. They symbolize balancing your connection between the physical world and the spiritual world. It is important for you to nurture both of these worlds within you. If your spiritual development has not previously been a priority, this is your wake-up call to start incorporating that into your daily life.
SEA TURTLE – This gentle creature reminds you to go with the flow, because your journey is unfolding the way that it is meant to. The sea turtle is also a symbol of overcoming the odds that might be stacked against you. It is estimated that only one in 1,000 sea turtle babies survive to adulthood. So, if you see a sea turtle Spirit Animal, you are being reassured that you have what it takes to achieve the impossible.
SEAHORSE – The seahorse is a majestic and beautiful creature. Seeing one can inspire you to connect deeply with Spirit and channel your artistic and creative abilities.
SHARK – The Shark Spirit Animal demands that you face your fears and take action. It is time to move forward in life, without hesitation, in the direction of your desires. Go after what you want, and do not let fear hold you back!
SHEEP – Like the lamb, this animal is associated with innocence and vulnerability. A sheep is trusting and will follow where it is led. When a lamb appears, it means that you need to determine if the path you are following is the one you want to be on …. or if were you persuaded by someone else to follow a certain path that does not feel right for you. Tune into your heart and pray about this question in order to receive an honest and authentic answer.
SHRIMP – This sea creature is always on the move, looking for food. It will occasionally rest, but not for long. The shrimp may show up as a Spirit Animal when you need to realize that you are keeping yourself too busy. See how you can lighten your load, or adjust your schedule, so that you have more down time. It’s really important to take time to rest and relax.
SKUNK – When a skunk sprays you, the terrible scent can last for a very long time. This animal is a reminder that the things you say or do to another person can have long-term effects and consequences. Be mindful of the lasting damage you may cause in a heated or defensive moment.
SLOTH – The sloth is an extremely slow-moving creature that conserves its energy to use for essential tasks only. The sloth symbolizes discernment and making smart choices about where to invest your time and energy.
SNAIL – The snail is a reminder to be patient with your progress. You are doing the best you can, and you are heading in the right direction.
SNAKE – The snake can shed its old skin and emerge anew. It is a powerful symbol for transformation. So are you ready to transform and discover a new version of yourself? If a snake has come into your awareness, or crossed your path, think about how seeing the snake made you feel. If you were afraid, that could mean you are subconsciously afraid of personal transformation. What worries you about letting go of the old version of yourself? Get to the root of your fears, so you can overcome them.
SPIDER – Spiders evoke fear in many people. The exaggerated level of fearful emotion that some people have about a tiny creature who means them no harm is a symbolic metaphor. The spider Spirit Animal shows up to make you aware that you do not need to overreact emotionally or be afraid in the midst of your current circumstances. They show you that something you perceive as threatening is only your INTERPRETATION of that situation…not the actual reality. Spiders are actually very helpful creatures for our environment and ecosystem. So, perhaps a spider has crossed your path to inspire you to look at your fears from a different perspective. Recognize that you do NOT need to be afraid, and instead consider how what you are going through can actually HELP and benefit you in some way.
SPONGE – The sponge Spirit Animal will show up to let you know that you are able to absorb energy and information extremely well. This can be an amazing thing, if you use that ability to learn or assist you intuitively. But, it can also be a problem, when you are an empath who absorbs all the negative emotions of the people around you. Be very aware of your ability to absorb, and make sure that you are only surrounding yourself with people or information that will help or benefit you. Once you learn to work with your empathic abilities through techniques such as shielding, then you will be better equipped to protect yourself from negative energy.
SQUID – The squid is a creature of mystery that lives deep in the ocean. It is elusive and rarely seen. This Spirit Animal asks you to explore the depths of your soul and discover parts of yourself that you did not previously know existed.
SQUIRREL – The squirrel is a fantastic symbol for balance (literally and figuratively)! The squirrel shows off its ninja skills as it runs across wires and tree branches, moving around with ease because of its ability to BALANCE. The squirrel prepares itself accordingly by gathering and hiding acorns for the winter. This teaches you to make sure you are taking care of your material life, and using / saving your resources wisely. But when the squirrel is done working for the day, it will take time to frolic and play. This teaches you that you need to make time for FUN, also! A happy and successful life is all about balance.
The squirrel is also a fantastic reminder that you can achieve anything you set your mind to…even the “impossible.” You might have to think outside of the box, explore different approaches, and be persistent (like a squirrel does when it is trying to get to a bird feeder)…but as long as you keep trying, you can DO IT!
STARFISH – The starfish inspires you to have faith and believe in a Higher Power. The starfish also represents regeneration because it can grow a new limb after one has been severed. This symbolizes your ability to heal yourself after suffering a loss.
STINGRAY – The stingray has a sharp barb which can pierce and kill. However, it does not use this weapon unless it feels threatened. It is generally a graceful and gentle creature. As a Spirit Animal, the stingray is a symbol for emotional restraint. Remind yourself to take a gentle and kind approach to life and relationships. There’s no need to be defensive or aggressive.
TERMITE – Termites can destroy an entire home. If this creature has come into your awareness, you need to recognize any self-destructive behaviors you possess. It is incredibly important for you to break your pattern of self-destructive behavior before you cause long-lasting or irreversible damage.
TIGER – The tiger represents will-power and internal strength. When you see this Spirit Animal, use its energy to help you get motivated to accomplish goals and make improvements in your life.
TORTOISE / TURTLE – The tortoise and turtle bring you the message that you are slowly, but surely building a life of stability. You are taking small, but steady, steps in the right direction, so keep on going. You are well on your way toward achieving your dreams.
UNICORN – The unicorn is a symbol of magic and miracles. If you see a unicorn spirit animal, it is a reminder that all things are possible, if you believe!
WALRUS – Have you ever watched a walrus try to maneuver on land? It has a very difficult time holding up its heavy weight, and can only thrust its body forward in small, awkward movements. The walrus can show up to let you know that you are carrying around a lot of emotional baggage which is weighing you down and making it difficult for you to move forward in life. The walrus wants you to release toxic ties to your past, so that you can move more freely and easily into the future.
WARTHOG – Similar to a boar, the warthog encourages you to adapt a worry-free philosophy and live life on your own terms. These animals basically do what they want, when they want and live very carefree lives.
WASP –Much like a wasp who builds a nest to give the Queen a comfortable place to live and breed, the wasp Spirit Animal comes to you as a sign that you need to focus on building and organizing at this time. Getting your home or work environment clean and organized will do wonders for your emotional well-being and comfort level.
WHALE – Whales will journey on one of the longest migrations on Earth, traveling thousands of miles to get to their destination. They know exactly where they are trying to go, and they will do what it takes to get there. When a whale has come into your awareness, it is a sign of confirmation that you are making tremendous progress in your life. Continue on the journey of your Divine path and purpose, with clarity and confidence.
WOLF – The wolf has heightened senses which make it capable of detecting things that other creatures cannot. The wolf Spirit Animal comes to encourage you to tune into your intuitive abilities so that YOU can learn to sense things that are not obvious to others. Explore your psychic gifts and empathic nature. Soon, you will use your gifts to help yourself and others in a truly magical way.
WOLVERINE – This small, but mighty, creature has been known to defeat animals ten times its size! The wolverine Spirit Animal shows up to summon the warrior within you. Let this animal awaken your inner power, skill and strength. You can overcome any challenge you may face, no matter how big or daunting it may seem.
WOMBAT – The wombat is known for fiercely defending its home and family. When this Spirit Animal shows up, it’s time to focus on what your family needs from you at this time
YAK – Yaks are one of the most important elements of Buddhist culture. When the Yak energy comes into your awareness, you are encouraged to seek the path to enlightenment through meditation and inner wisdom. Understand that suffering is a choice, and you can make the choice to rise above suffering by learning to simply live and breathe in the present moment.
ZEBRA – At first glance, all zebras look the same. But if you look closer, you will see that every zebra has a stripe pattern that is uniquely their own. In fact, no two zebras have the same stripes. The zebra helps you understand that every person has come here with their own unique gifts and traits that set them apart from everyone else. It’s time to identify what makes you, YOU. When you recognize the parts of yourself that distinguish you from the crowd, you will begin to get more clarity about your soul’s path and purpose.

Birds embrace and express the gift of their voice…and they share their voice with the world! Birds also represent freedom, expansion and looking at things from a higher perspective. Here is a list of some specific types of birds below:
CARDINAL – This beautiful bird often appears when a loved one from Heaven is trying to connect with you and send their love.
BLUEBIRD – The bluebird is a symbol of happiness. Are you living your joy?
BLUE JAY – The blue jay is an intelligent animal with excellent communication skills. Be sure you are expressing yourself with clarity and confidence.
CHICKEN – You’ve heard the expression, “Don’t be a chicken.” People tend to think chickens are weak, inferior creatures. But the truth is that chickens are very intelligent and exhibit advanced social skills within their flocks. Chickens are capable of much more than they’re given credit for! So, if a chicken has come to you as a Spirit Animal, you are being asked to stop underestimating yourself. Recognize how smart and capable you are. Don’t let anyone else (or yourself) make you feel otherwise.
CRANE / EGRET / HERON – These birds hunt and fly slowly but powerfully. They remind you that the key to your success is to not rush. Instead, make each step you take be a meaningful one that has an impact. Move slowly, but powerfully.
CROW – The crow makes a loud noise and can often be used to get your attention. It may be a wake-up call from Spirit, so start noticing signs.
DUCK – These animals represent the importance of community. They understand, interact and communicate with one another in some pretty amazing ways! Ducks encourage you to surround yourself with people that support and uplift you.
DUCKLING – Fluffy little ducklings can be seen following along behind their mothers. This is how they learn to navigate the world. These adorable creatures remind you that much can be gained from finding a good leader, or mentor, to learn from. The duckling represents a phase of gaining new knowledge or developing new skills.
DOVE – The dove is a symbol of purity, love and peace.
EAGLE – The eagle has incredible vision. This animal encourages you to get clarity about your path and purpose.
FALCON – This skilled hunter brings a message to focus on strategy. Be aware of an opportunity which is presenting itself, and make the most of it by having a well thought out plan in place.
GOLDFINCH – This bright yellow bird encourages you to be enthusiastic and optimistic about your life.
HAWK – The hawk soars in the sky, reminding you to spread your wings and fly high in life. Look at the bigger picture and see all that is possible for you.
HUMMINGBIRD – The hummingbird reminds you to cherish the moment. Find joy in the littlest things and immerse yourself in a feeling of gratitude.
OSTRICH / EMU – These giant birds are a reminder to stand tall and own your power.
PARROT – The parrot is known for its ability to speak. This bird encourages you to nurture your throat chakra. Speak your truth and own your voice.
PEACOCK – The peacock is a symbol of beauty and royalty. The peacock asks for you to recognize how majestic and beautiful YOU are, inside and out!. Treat yourself with the dignity, honor and respect you deserve.
PENGUIN – The penguin is a unique animal who has two very different personas. On land, the penguin moves slowly and awkwardly. In water, the penguin becomes agile and graceful. It can function in both domains, but definitely finds its comfort zone while diving deep into the water. The penguin Spirit Animal is an analogy for how you function in the material and spiritual worlds. If a penguin is coming into your awareness, it is showing you that you will begin to thrive and find your “happy place” as you deepen your spiritual connection.
PIGEON – During the World Wars, pigeons were used to carry messages across enemy lines. They were able to fly with speed and precision. Their instincts are spot on. The Pigeon Spirit Animal tells you that you already instinctively know where you are meant to go in life, so do not hesitate to head in that direction.
RAVEN – The raven is a reminder to believe in magic.
ROBIN – Robins have highly developed motherly instincts. They not only take care of their own young, but they’ve been known to take on a motherly role to other baby birds that need care. The robin encourages you to open your heart and lend a helping hand to those who could benefit from your compassion. The robin is also a symbol of fertility and new beginnings.
SEAGULL- The seagull is a resourceful and intelligent bird. The seagull will appear when you need to make the most of the resources you have on hand. Get creative and find a unique approach to any problem you are facing. You already have everything you need, and a change in perspective will help you realize this.
SWAN – The swan is a symbol of peace, grace and beauty. The swan asks for you to find inner peace and see the beauty within you.
TURKEY – Associated with Thanksgiving in America, the turkey is a reminder to focus on everything that you are grateful for. Appreciating what you already have will prepare you, and put you in alignment with receiving even more.
WOODPECKER – The woodpecker searches in every crack and crevice of a tree, pecking away to find what it is needs for nourishment. This bird invites you to take this time to search and explore until you find what you need for fulfillment. This may be in your personal, emotional, spiritual or professional life.
VULTURE – The vulture is an important part of the cycle of life, cleaning up dead and decaying matter. When the vulture appears, it means that this is a time of transition and rebirth. You can move beyond any darkness and make a clean, fresh start.

Many types of fish bring the message to explore your emotions and look within. Be gentle with yourself as you process any feelings that are coming to the surface.
Below is a list of some specific types of fish and their meanings:
BARRACUDA – A Barracuda is an overly aggressive animal. This creature can show up to warn you that your temper and aggressive nature needs to be tamed.z
CLOWN FISH – The silly name and bright orange color of the clown fish draw attention to the sacral chakra, which is where your inner child lives. The clown fish asks you to take some time to play today.
GOLDFISH – The goldfish is a very hardy fish, that can survive in conditions a lot of other fish can’t! When a goldfish appears as a Spirit Animal, it is showing you that you can handle whatever circumstances you find yourself in. It’s a reassuring sign that you will be just fine!
LION FISH – Beautiful but dangerous, the lion fish reminds us to not be fooled or deceived by appearances. Something in your life that seems tempting may need further evaluation to be sure it’s in your best interest. Consider your choices carefully.
PUFFERFISH – The pufferfish is such a unique creature! Some people think pufferfish are adorable. Other people think they’re ugly. And some people are very afraid of them. The point is…the pufferfish doesn’t care what you think about it! It is still going to be uniquely itself. So, when a pufferfish comes to you as a Spirit Animal, it is encouraging you to be uniquely yourself and not worry about the haters. The people who are meant to be in your life will always see the best in you…and they’ll think YOU are adorable!
SALMON – When in it is time for salmon to reproduce, they will swim upstream, on a difficult journey, to get back to the place they were born. They will not stop until they reach their desired destination. The salmon is a sign of relentless perseverance and determination. This fish inspires you to overcome challenges and keep going, until you reach your goals.
SHARK – The Shark Spirit Animal demands that you face your fears and take action. It is time to move forward in life, without hesitation, in the direction of your desires. Go after what you want, and do not let fear hold you back!
WHALE – Whales will journey on one of the longest migrations on Earth, traveling thousands of miles to get to their destination. They know exactly where they are trying to go, and they will do what it takes to get there. When a whale has come into your awareness, it is a sign of confirmation that you are making tremendous progress in your life. Continue on the journey of your Divine path and purpose, with clarity and confidence.